Server comparison chart

Server comparison chart

Server type
Sensor capacity (RJ45)
Up to 4x 3D cameras* Up to 10x 2D LiDARs*
Up to 4x 3D cameras* Up to 12x 2D LiDARs*
Up to 8x 3D cameras* Up to 24x 2D LiDARs*
“Input” Network interface
4x POE ports / RJ45 / 1Gb 1x RJ45 / 1Gb
4x POE ports / RJ45 / 1Gb
8x POE ports / RJ45 / 1Gb
“Output” Network interface
RJ45 / 1Gb
RJ45 / 2.5Gb*
RJ45 / 2.5Gb*
Processing power
Designed to track approx. up to 25 people with standard quality
Designed to track approx. up to 40 people with standard quality
Designed to track approx. up to 80 people with standard quality
Fan noise
Noisy on high load
Very low
Very low
20 x 10.5 x 10.5 cm
4U rack / 427 x 177 x 450 mm
4U rack / 427 x 177 x 450 mm
*Using network above 1Gb is useful only if you stream point clouds (volumetric capture feature)
*Max 1x 3D camera or up to 2-3x 2D LiDAR per port, more than 1 LiDAR per port requires a standard switch.
Understanding processing power : You will always be able to setup your server in a way that it works in most cases for any amount of people. The number of people provided in the “processing power” chart are values for recommended quality data, which means a decent fluidity and precision. Each server has a different processing power capability, that is used for the processing of data. Depending on the parameters and settings, the server will use the available processing power before adapting and lowering down the output data per second when reaching its max capacity of processing. Depending on the number of people seen by the sensor, the server will adapt and use more or less processing power. Note : If you use the volumetric capture capabilities, it uses more processing power than standard tracking.