
Warning : This integration is outdated and might not work with the latest versions of Processing and Augmenta. We are no longer maintaining this integration, it’s community based.

Augmenta for Processing

A Processing helper library and examples created by Théoriz studio that allows to use the Augmenta tracking system is available here.
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Open Processing and install the OscP5 and Augmenta library
plain text
Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> OscP5 Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Augmenta for Processing


plain text
Sketch -> Import Library... -> OscP5 Sketch -> Import Library... -> Augmenta for Processing


In Processing, start your example
plain text
File -> Examples... -> Contributed Libraries -> Augmenta for Processing

Basic example

Receive and draw Augmenta data without any other library

2D and 3D examples

Examples for receiving and drawing Augmenta data including a Syphon/Spout output (Mac/Windows only) and a basic UI
Install the available libraries first :
plain text
Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Syphon Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Spout For Processing Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> ControlP5 Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> PeasyCam (3D example only)


Full 2D example including various features you may find useful :
  • Display points representing people and lines between them
  • [Audioreaction] Change the radius of the circle depending on a sound input
  • [Sprites] Add an image under people’s feet
  • [Video] Play a video in the background
  • [Sound] Play a sound when a person enters the scene
  • [Triggers] Sends a message when a person enters/leaves the trigger area and allows to get a list of the people inside it at any time (shapes available : circles, rectangles, complex polygons)
Install the needed libraries first :
plain text
Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Syphon Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Spout For Processing Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> ControlP5 Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Minim Sketch -> Import Library... -> Add Library -> Video


Advanced : Manual install (git)

get the library on github at this address: and rename it Augmenta.
plain text
git clone
Once you have downloaded the library and renamed it Augmenta, put it in the following directory
  • Mac OSX : /Users/Username/Documents/Processing/libraries
  • Windows : C:/My Documents/Processing/libraries
  • Linux : /home/Username/sketchbook/libraries
You should now have a folder named Augmenta in this directory.
Then restart Processing


Fork and submit pull requests. Get Eclipse to modify the library.


Thanks to the devs and beta testers whose contribution are vitals to the project Tom Duchêne / David-Alexandre Chanel / Jonathan Richer / Thomas Weissgerber / you !