Get the simulator

Work without Augmenta hardware by simulating people moving in space.
@LorenzoVenturini playing with Augmenta Simulator and TouchDesigner, Notch & D3
Download Simulator for Windows & MacOS here
The simulator will generate people moving in space or touch interaction. You can receive this data into your creative tool, without the need of having the equipment !

How to use

1. Start by entering your scene dimensions
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2. Setup the data output
The simulator currently supports OSC, TUIO and our Websocket protocol
3. Create data by clicking on the scene or by entering the amount of Desired Points count
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Getting further
App shortcuts
Left click : Create point or move existing point
Right click : Delete point
M : Mute/Unmute all outputs
H : Toggle UI
F1 : Toggle Help
Camera Control
Use mousewheel to zoom.
Press and drag mousewheel to pan.
Press Alt + Left clic to rotate.
Press R to reset camera position.
Press P to switch camera projection between orthographic (iso) or perspective (pers).
Advanced use