Javascript WebGL/three.js library

Warning : This integration is outdated and might not work right out of the box or at all. We are not currently officially maintaining this integration, it’s community based.


A Javascript library using Websocket


Try the live examples here
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To run the examples you can click here or run them locally on a web server for local development such as Servez and open the repo’s folder.
There is two examples : a very simple one using no other librairies than this one, and a more complex example adapted from a three js example.
  • Augmenta-js/Simple Example/simpleExample.html
  • Augmenta-js/three js example/examples/webgl_gpgpu_bird.html
Important note :
If you run AugmentaFusion and the examples on a local server (such as Servez) on the same computer you will be able to use both secure connection and regular connection. However - as AugmentaFusion is not able to send secure connection to browsers - if you want to run the examples on a different computer you will have to set your local server in http instead of https. You will also have to make sure secure connections are disabled on both client (these examples or your own example) and server (AugmentaFusion) sides. If you want to try the examples on the github page you will just have to disbale secure connections in the example interface and in AugmentaFusion (the github page is set in http by default for that matter).


Initialize augmenta manager and open websocket connection

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var augmentaManager = new AugmentaManager() augmentaManager.startAugmentaWebsocket()
Default websocket url : ws://
Once the connection is opened, the augmenta manager receives and parses all the messaged from the websocket address.

Change websocket url

You can change the websocket’s address either by changing the port and/or the ip or by changing the entire url directly. The websocket connection will be automatically closed and reopened if the address is valid. Make sure the address is the same as your websocket output running in fusion.
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augmentaManager.websocketurl = websocketurl
With port a number or a string, ip a string and websocketurl a string
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augmentaManager.useSecureConnection = true
Allows you to enable or disable secure conection (by default disablbed)

Custom functions for augmenta’s event

You can change the default functions called whenever the augmenta manager receives a message or closes/opens a websocket connection.
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With objectEntered, objectUpdated and objectWillLeave javascript functions taking an instance of class AugmentaObject as only argument.
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With websocketOpened and websocketClosed javascript functions taking no argument.
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With fusionUpdated a javascript function taking an instance of class Fusion as only argument.


You can change the time an inactive object is stored by the augmenta manager.
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augmentaManager.timeOut = timeOut
With timeOut the number of frame an object can remain inactive before being removed from the scene.

Access augmenta and fusion’s info

For instances of class AugmentaManager you can access :
  • augmentaObjects A dictionary containing all augmenta objects in the current frame of type AugmentaObject indexed by their oid.
  • newestObject The youngest augmenta object of type AugmentaObject in the current frame
  • oldestObject The oldest augmenta object of type AugmentaObject in the current frame
  • augmentaScene The current augmenta scene of class AugmentaScene.
  • fusion An instance of class Fusion storing fusion’s informations.
For instances of class AugmentaObject you can access:
  • frame
  • id
  • oid
  • age
  • centroid (of class vec2)
  • velocity (of class vec2)
  • orientation
  • boundingRect (of class BoundingRect)
  • height
  • lastSeen the scene’s frame it was last seen in
  • color (for display purposes only)
If extra data are also sent you can also access:
  • highest the position of the highest point (of class vec2)
  • distance
  • reflectivity
For instances of class AugmentaScene you can access:
  • frame
  • objectCount
  • scene (of class vec2)
For instances of class Fusion you can access:
  • offset the offset in scene in meters (of class vec2)
  • videoOut the size of the video output in meters (of class vec2)
  • videoOutInPixels the size of the video output in pixels (of class vec2)
Other informations you might need :
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To know the pixel density in width and height.
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To get an object’s relative position in the scene. Returns a vec2.