Example project using Augmenta in Resolume
Example project using Augmenta in Resolume
Result in real life during a residency in Thaïland
Result in real life during a residency in Thaïland

Getting started with Resolume

Resolume Arena is one of the reference tools in live performance and video installations for editing and publishing live images, vijing and video mapping. It allows you to create and play VJ sets and videomappings for scenic or architectural dressing and multimedia shows.
It’s a very popular software that can get you to prototype or build interactive content in minutes without any coding skills, or nodals tools, just Resolume VJ skills !

Video tutorial

This video shows how to open the example in Resolume and how to set up Augmenta Fusion to send data to it.
Here are some instructions to use the Augmenta Resolume plugins.
This features is available with the servers only and in the new beta simulator.
First, get the plugin! (free)
Augmenta plugins for ResolumeAugmenta plugins for Resolume

Quick start

  1. Get the simulatorGet the simulator or your equipment and use the Resolume presets or OSCV3
Note : Only in Fusion or with the new simulator
  1. Get the Augmenta plugins for ResolumeAugmenta plugins for Resolume
  1. Enable OSC input in Resolume
  1. Drag’n drop the plugins and enjoy !


  • Having Resolume Arena 7+ or above installed on your computer


Drag’n drop each effect into resolume and click on install
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Activate OSC input
Make sure the port number is set to the default value of 7000
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Note : To run the Resolume plugins with a simulator, you have to use the new Augmenta Simulator that is currently in beta. You can contact us to have access to it.
  • Start the simulator
  • Add a Resolume output
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  • Make sure to enable the Slot ID in the “Cluster Simulation” menu, this option is mandatory to properly work with Resolume
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  • ⚠️ Set your scene size to a similar ratio that Resolume’s composition resolution ratio
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  • Enable the Cluster Simulator, points will start moving in the Simulator and should also appear in Resolume.
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Augmenta Resolume effects currently supports a maximum of 20 tracked objects.

Still not working ?
