Single Spatializer plugin for Ableton Live

Augmenta OSC spatializer is a tool to produce music from movements of objects in space. It receives tracking persons or objects position from different sources : Augmenta (persons and objects), touchOSC (phone), or any XY coordinates (osc). Then it can be used to trigger midi notes or map any parameters in Ableton Live or Max Msp.
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You can drag’n drop several instance of the M4L plugin in your Ableton live session, and use a specific object position to create sound.


  • OSC input
  • 10 persons concurrent tracking + 1 touchosc or external osc input (/posX /posY or /positionX /positionY)
  • Simulate one object with the mouse for testing
  • mute option


  • 8 areas for midi notes triggers or parameters mappings
  • area placement / random shake / size option
  • mouse for selection and placement


  • midi note trig velocity and duration option
  • mapping values % min and max option
  • mute option


Download and drag’n drop the file as an effect in Ableton Live.

Processing visualizer

If you want to project on the floor the areas and data, you can do it via Syphon/Spout
The M4L sends coordinates through osc to port 9000
The processing code here draws the disks and point to reproduce the interface from the M4L plugin.


Designed & developped by Romain Constant & Augmenta