Unity Augmenta example projects

We have prepared some Unity examples going from simple use case to more advanced and showing different techniques, so you can easily start from there.

Scenes examples

0 - Minimalist

The simplest example using only the AugmentaManager to parse incoming Augmenta data and expose them to Unity.
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1 - AugmentaSceneToSpout

In this example, an Augmenta Scene Camera is used to always render exactly the Augmenta Scene. The resulting texture is sent via Spout to be used in an external software.
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2 - AugmentaMPSCounter

This example analyzes the incoming Augmenta messages rate to compute an estimation of the number of messages received per second.
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3 - AugmentaVideoOutput

This example shows how to use an Augmenta Video Output along with an Augmenta Video Output Camera to always render exactly the video texture area sent by Fusion. The resulting texture is sent via Spout and shown on a debug quad in the scene.
In this workflow, the field of view of the camera is computed to always match exactly the Video Output area.
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4 - AugmentaVideoOutputFromExternalCamera

This example shows how to use an Augmenta Video Output along with any camera in the scene to render the intersection of the video texture area sent by Fusion and the camera's field of view. The resulting texture is sent via Spout and shown on a debug quad in the scene.
In this workflow, the field of view of the camera is fixed and color padding is added to the output video texture to match the desired texture resolution.
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5 - SeveralAugmentaScenes

In this example, two different Augmenta streams are received on two different ports and placed in the scene to simulate the usecase of an interactive floor and an interactive wall used together in the same scene.
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6 - AugmentaToGameObject

In this example, a custom object prefab is used to make a simple scene with squirrels react to Augmenta persons.
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7 - AugmentaToShader

In this example, the Augmenta person data is send to a ripple shader in order to have the shader creates ripples under the Augmenta persons.
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8 - AugmentaToVFXGraph

In this example, the Augmenta person data is send to a VFXGraph in order to make the sand particle react to the oldest 3 persons in the scene.
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9 - FusionSpout

In this example, the FusionSpout prefab is used to display a Spout coming from Augmenta Fusion on a quad fitted to an AugmentaVideoOutput.
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10 - AugmentaObjectBehaviour

In this example, the IAugmentaObjectBehaviour interface is used in the custom object prefab to fade in and out a sphere rotating around each AugmentaObject.
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11 - FusionNDI

In this example, the FusionNDI prefab is used to display an NDI coming from Augmenta Fusion on a quad fitted to an AugmentaVideoOutput.
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12 - ImmersiveSpace

In this example, an existing immersive space 3D model is imported and the Augmenta areas are mapped to the floor and walls of the space. The Fusion file for this space can be found in the Fusion folder of this scene.
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Known limitations

🙏 Thanks for the contribution from the Théoriz team to those example files !