Building an interactive immersive experience with Augmenta, which tool is the best ?

It can feel a bit overwhelming when to choose which is the correct tool for interactive, real time immersive experience. Augmenta is compatible with most tools, so how to choose the correct one ?
As you can easily imagine, there is no best overall tool, it all depends on your current parameters. Here is a guide with easy questions to give some you insightful pointers and simple guidance.

Are you doing Virtual Production ?

As the time of writing, if you are planning to do virtual production, Unreal is definitely the best and most used tool. There is some other media servers dedicated for virtual production, most of them do embed Unreal most of the time. There is two of them that have a native support for Augmenta : SMODE and Aximmetry.

Are you building a Location Based Entertainment (aka LBE), a gaming experience ?

If you come from the videogame world, or are planning to do a gaming oriented experience, Unity and Unreal, the two most used videogame engine, are definitely what you are looking for.

Are you a studio or a professional coming from the Virtual reality (aka VR) or XR industry ?

Then you are probably already using Unity or Unreal, you just need Augmenta to adapt it to an immersive space, or make an hybrid LBE immersive experience with people tracking.

Do you have a low budget ?

Unity and Unreal are provided for free under certain conditions, so they might be your go to if you are looking to spend less money. That said, they do usually request a bigger team and more time to build an experience than other tools. TouchDesigner is also a good fit. It does come with a license, but is more time and ressources efficient.

Are you an artist that can create non real-time content and looking to learn ?

You can learn any tool of course. But coming from the world of 2D those tools can be good pointers :
Resolume : If you know how to use it already or if you are looking at VJING, you can have fun with the Resolume Augmenta plugins. TouchDesigner : A complete nocode nodal AV software that is definitely a serious choice for interactive experiences. Notch : A nocode nodal AV software that is more VFX and live oriented tool, and also one of the pricier in its category.

Are you lookgin for a content provider or still lost?

Then we will be happy to help you or pointing you towards professional creative studio with some Augmenta experience.